Well, the Run Woodstock 50 miler went well. I finished 7th overall in 9:19 (11:11/mile). The first 16.6 mile loop i ran with this guy Dean, who was dead-on at a 12:00/mile pace. I was really nervous about going out too strong so I ran very conservatively. I was focused on finishing, not on achieving any sort of time goal. After that first loop, I still felt really solid so I thanked Dean for letting me run with him and took off on my own. That second loop was really fast, but because I wasn't wearing any watch I can only guess at my time. I think I was running somewhere around a 9:00/mile pace overall. By the third loop, things started to really hurt and I think I was down to about 10:00/mile. At the very end, my dad and mom ran the final 5 miles or so with me which was really great. When I think of all the countless hours i spend running alone, it's honestly pretty touching to suddenly have someone close to you running by your side. Luckily between Gabbo, mom, dad and friends (lookin' at you Celine and Celeste!)...I've got a pretty sweet stable of able amblers. And yes, that's a tiny painted hippie VW bus that I'm holding...the age group trophy. All in all, it was just a great weekend of running. Run Woodstock may be the best event i've gotten to be a part of and i recommend it highly to anyone...especially the naked races on friday and saturday night...and their champagne aid station.
naked champagne aid station.
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