Tuesday, November 6, 2012

No paragraphs, I swear. Just photos.

El Valle del Elqui is a supposedly mystical valley in Chile. They grow grapes there for making pisco liquor. It's an interesting spot. 


Sounds like a solid Friday night to me. 

Too much pisco. Too much beer. Too much bus. 

Home sweet home, after 15 hours in buses. 


a said...

Jajajajaj la clásica cara de mucho pisco, mucha cerveza y mucho bus ! been there...
See you in a week?

Patrick Thurber said...

maxton, obvio! nos veremos este finde! que descanses bien porque hay un monton de chela que nos espera en santiago despues de la carrera.

J. said...
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J. said...

Eres una extensión de Michigan, y del medio oeste. Se pone mejor.